Wednesday 4 June 2014

Sunburn Soothing Tips by SenSpa

SenSpa Sunburn Soothing Tips - 
We know how hard it is to resist the first few rays of the summer sunshine so for all our SenSpa fans who are looking a little pink today, here are our top sunburn remedies to soothe your skin.
Aloe Vera
Taken from your own plant or you can buy the gel in a health food store.  Apply neat to burnt skin.
Pop one or two in a blender and apply to the skin. If you have mint in the garden add a few leaves for further refreshment. You can also soak a piece of muslin in the mixture and lay it on the sunburned areas.
Green Tea
Make a pot of green tea, allow it cool or place it in the fridge. Soak some muslin in the tea and apply to the skin. Leave on for 30 minutes.
And here is the best tip of all
To help prevent sunburn, eat tomatoes. They contain lycopene which strengthens the body’s resistance to UV rays.

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